

From a stressed and distracted hot mess, to organized and efficient. 

Women wear many hats- we are mothers, sisters, friends, confidants, rule breakers, entrepreneurs, badasses - gorgeously complex individuals trying to keep it all together.

Here you will find solutions for overwhelmed women so they can be mentally present while creating memories and providing a healthy environment for their active family.

More Than Just A Boutique

Spinster To Soccer Mom

A little bit about me, Mary.

Ok, so I wasn't really a spinster. But in 2015 I sure thought it was my destiny. Finally, I meet and married my husband. Fast forward to 2022, we welcomed our third and final child. Now, one son plays baseball year round, the other is experimenting with soccer and our daughter loves gymnastics. Needless to say, our day to day life is nothing short of a hot mess.

In my perfect world- my husband would be a stay at home dad (I am not ashamed to admit he is a better housewife than I am) and I would bring home the bacon. However, our reality requires us both to work full time.

Along this imperfect journey called adulting, I have learned in order to survive, you must adapt. Eventually, I put my big girl underpants on, and took control of the chaos for my mental health. I am always seeking help, compiling ideas and resources on ways to run an efficient household. 

By mixing research and creativity, I have found ways the elevate some of the stress of having an active family. I know many women struggle, like I do, to be everything to everyone and can always use a little help. I decided to start this boutique and blog, as a way to share knowledge and useful products I have come across. After all, it takes a village right? Let me become apart of your tribe and we will make it through this beautifully messy life together.